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Rorysee | 2 years ago | 4 comments | 8 likes | 697 views

Thor5ten, michiel, Dani and 5 others like this!

So I created the body parts from the free version of zbrushcoremini and compiled the body parts and colored in the free version of Anim8tor. all elements saved as Obj files then animated and exported as GBL for bluff.

With GBL files any headsup how to link the texture so BT can read it?

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Interesting pipeline for the development of animations. Thanks for telling. Usually the textures are embedded in the binary form of glTF. But can be textured in BT afterwards as well.

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

thanks Thor5ten. I am not getting the textures or materials with GBL file. so I am missing something. When I export the obj from ani8tor import into BT I have the complete model in bluff with materials = so the issue is when the obj is bieng rigged

Does anyone have a workflow with rigging obj and what app?

Rorysee, 2 years ago

Which app do you use to rig your model? When you use you could try Filip's ZIP trick:

Another option is to add the texture in BluffTitler with the MEDIA > Change texture... dialog:

michiel, 2 years ago

yes Michiel = mixamo for animation. so I need a unwrapped map of textures for BT.

Rorysee, 2 years ago

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