lightads | 6 years ago | 7 comments | 1.9K views
I'm going thru some of my old BT project files and they are requesting some FX files. I do have them.
Will the latest version of bluff be able to use them? If so which folder should I copy them into?
The 200+ most common FX files have been converted to CFX and can be found in the BluffTitler\Media\Effects\V11 folder.
BluffTitler automatically finds the replacements, so the fact that you are getting error messages means that you are using effects that have not yet been converted.
What are the filenames of the missing effects?
michiel, 6 years ago
Oh wow, we thought this one was as extinct as the Cameroceras we're currently trying to recreate for the Sea Monsters pack ?
We'll bring it back to life and include it in the next version.
Thank you for your request!
michiel, 6 years ago
Hmmm... I could not find this one.
Maybe it's a copy of V11_Mirror.
I would try making a copy of Effects/V11/V11_Mirror and rename it to V11_Mirror2
michiel, 6 years ago
I did that and it loaded the project with no objections.
Some BT projects were saved when bluff was originally installed in the c:\Outerspace Software \.... When I now try open them they they can't find certain files. Is there a way I can open these projects now with Bluff being installed c:\program files (x86)..... folder?
lightads, 6 years ago
Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)
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