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Filip | 7 years ago | 6 comments | 9.2K views

First read the tutorial that Selina created on this item:

I followed her steps and then I started to play around with 3D Builder. After a while I found out that 3D Builder is quite nice and can do a lot more than Paint 3D.

For example: I tried to make a party hat and use a cone. But the cone is solid and I don't now how to make it hollow in Paint 3D. In 3D Builder you can Duplicate an object, make it smaller and use extract. And voila an hollow cone: Nice and I'm just starting.

This video explain how you can use 3D Builder. To make an .x model; Selina's tutorial shows you the way!

Selina: Thnx a lot! You shown me the way.

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It was nice but the created hollow cone .x files create a problem in Blufftitler.
Still trying to work this out.

Filip, 7 years ago

You do know that you can create a hollow cone in blufftitler with the Effects\Picture\Plane2Cylinder.cfx FX Cone factor.

And many many shapes with the Revolved style option by using a outline of half the object as transparent .png and add this as EPS layer.

komies, 7 years ago

Komies, Thnx. The first I knew, but the second is new to me.

By now I am tired of 3D the conversion to a .x file has to many obstacles. So I try your second option.

Filip, 7 years ago

Oké, when you are using the build-in tracer it uses the Effects\AdvancedMaterials\ColourmapFrontReflectionmapSides.cfx

After completion you can change it to like ColourmapReflectionmap and clear the 1st texture that made the shape in the first place so it will not be used as a texture.

komies, 7 years ago

Komies, it works and it is beautiful and relative simple to make.
I hope to show the community the results.

Filip, 7 years ago

Can't wait to see your 3d objects, Filip

komies, 7 years ago

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