NextPreviousHomeSAVE and LOAD LAYOUT

Franco Aversa | 7 years ago | 4 comments | 2.0K views

Would it be possible to add "save" and "load" singol parameter layer?
These two commands would give the possibility inside an ready animation to load the parameters of another single-level parameters.
For example, save a movement parameter of a layer and apply it to another layer also of different nature.

I mean the individual keyframes of a layer property such as the position or other parameters, not the whole layer.

What do you think ?
Can you already do it in other ways, Apart from using CTRL + M ?

Thanks !

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Yes Selina 2 new icons for load and save keyframes !

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

That would be great, and it sound simple enough so you got to wonder why we haven't got this yet?

The main reason I can think of is that every layer type got his own property setting and that this could cause trouble when you try to copy a sketch layer data on to a camera layer. Also in the properties settings you will see the Style options when selected and the Effects (F9) properties that are used and these would also be copied. Then you would have to set these Effects back to that layer and the Style settings to. You could say just copy that also to but then again you might have used a picture layer effect on a camera layer which might give trouble but also make remembering complex and for others more difficult to reconstruct how it was made.

So to make this work only on this basis you will have to need more then two buttons which differentiate which data should be copied and which not. I believe that this is the reason also why we can't change the Layer type of a Layer.

Things you can do while building is:

- Clone a layer, but this works only on the same Layer type.
- Attach to a Layer, Not all Layers have the same attach ability, but the Sketch Layer is king so use this and if needed use invisibility.cfx
- Put it in a container, ever since the Colourmap Layer you can put a container in a container.
- Use CTRL+M if you want to borrow from another show.
- Open BluffTitler twice and input the settings key by key by typing it over.

And if it is only the cords you need you could the copy and paste option from notepad to open a .bt show file and paste it in another .bt show file even under a different Layer type.


I also try to understand how and why certain things work or don't work and wished it would be different but I have to work with the things I have and be creative.

Michiel will have a better answer, and maybe even surprise us.
But until then......

So tell us what you want to do, and maybe we can find a way to do it within the existing possibilities.

komies, 7 years ago

Yes, it's true, I do not think it's easy !!
Maybe you could do for the text layer only with position and rotation parameters.
In this way, limit save and load to just movement of text.
This allows you to use as a titter and save already established paths.
The note solution is genial .... does not it take too long?

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

You only need to copy the lines from:


You could try and copy everything from the first KEY till the last line.

komies, 7 years ago

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I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.

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