
Filip | 8 years ago | 2 comments | 1.6K views


Is it possible to create a more natural effect for the cracks.cfx or the explosion.
It would be cool when you create a crack in concrete or in a text with the choice of exploding or collapsing.

I tried to trace the crack.png with Bixelangelo but the crack isn't as good as created with the mask.cfx.

Are there alternatives?? Anybody?

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to make a real depth growing crack in the floor:

1. make a sketch layer crack white colour (more options than masked effect)
2. animated with writer, maybe with more than one sketch layer
3. save the show
4. open new show
5. open picture layer white.png
6. open previous show as colourmap layer set resolution to 1024, 1024
7. set picture effect to displacementmap.cfx and choose colourmap layer as displacement map
8. play with displacement size -200, tessellation etc
9. now use the same sketch invisible.cfx and attach particles (blocks or model)
10. play with gravity 0,-80, 0 launch speed 0 and use time dilation for more control.

just some suggestions :)

komies, 8 years ago

I'm trying...but its difficult. Keep on trying...

Filip, 8 years ago

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