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Filip | 8 years ago | 3 comments | 1.3K views


When I create a sphere from a picture and I move it to the corner of the show area it deforms to an egg like form.

Am I doing something wrong? Can I undo the deformation?

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Go to Camera layer when the Camera layer style is set to Perspective projection.

Use Field of view( FOV) in the properties dropdown and set to a lower value.

This property is only used in perspective projection.The field of view(FOV) determines how much you can see of the scene.A small FOV reduces the perspective 3D effect, a big FOV looks like a fish eye lens.

You can try: Parallel projection but this could give you unwanted results.

This projection is called parallel because parallel lines remain parallel. The size of the objects is independent of their distance to the camera. Use the Size property to set the global size of all objects. This projection is also called orthographic.

BTW did the ribbon animation work?
And who is Michael? :-)

komies, 8 years ago

Komies and Selina thanks. It works!

Komies I ment "Michiel". Michaël is an archangel!

Filip, 8 years ago

Komies and Selina thanks. It works!

Komies I ment "Michiel". Michaël is an archangel!

And the Ribbon worx thnx.

Filip, 8 years ago

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