eugene57 | 9 years ago | 32 comments | 8 likes | 6.7K views
Dani, michiel, emef and 5 others like this!
Are you frustrated with BluffTitler because you would really like to use cool 3D Models in your show, but don't know how to? Well, it is easy, and this tutorial will show you how in less than 15 minutes.
What? You say you don't know anything about 3D Models, or how to even create them. No worries! You don't have to know anything about creating 3D models. You don't even need to have 3D models of your own. There are thousands of them, free to use, on the internet.
The sketchup version i downloaded is very different from yours.Yours have much more buttons
chaver, 9 years ago
Thank you for the awesome tutorial. It helped me no end.
John P.
jopin, 9 years ago
Nice clear tutorial. Thanks for sharing
Vanlen, 9 years ago
The version (SU Make 2016) I downloaded doesn't have a plugin folder. Do I have to make one or is the currents version different to yours?
My version does not have as many buttons as your on the video does either.
After much searching, I have found the plugin folder.
I put the plugin there, Then have a "extensions" menu in the SKU. And away you go. It does work too.
Thank you "vincent" for your advice. Much appreciated.
Regards J.P.
jopin, 9 years ago
SKT 2015 : Export as generic DirectX file is already included in extensions menu, but maybe it's only in pro version.
vincent, 9 years ago
John, i checked and yes indeed sketchup pro 2015 created a folder :
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\SketchUp\Plugins
with 3DRadExporter.rbs and few other things.
vincent, 9 years ago
My version of SketchUp has more buttons and tool bars because SketchUp has a bunch of FREE addon tool bars.
I don't know about the Pro version of SketchUp, but I don't believe the older versions came with the 3D Rad Exporter.
eugene57, 9 years ago
Thank you for your support guys.
BluffTitler becomes way more exciting to develop with once you know how easy it is to use your own, or other's free, 3D models!
eugene57, 9 years ago
Thanks for the great video. You have a great speaking voice and the tutorial is very well put together.
I have a problem with Sketch Up Make 2016 which is I can't find the plugin folder to place the 3D Rad Exporter.
I've posted a pic on my website of the directory. Click on the picture to enlarge it. Thanks for any ideas or suggestions in advance.
videofish, 9 years ago
A few folks are having trouble finding their SketchUp version's plugin directory. I am, no SketchUp pro, but, a quick Google search found this 'SketchUp Help Center' page. Go to this link and read this section. Happy Bluffing!
eugene57, 9 years ago
videofish... I went to your link. Apparently your site is broken and displays this message...
"Career Speak is undergoing renovation. We will be back with a new improved presentation soon.
Thank You for your interest and check back soon!"
I'd be happy to do voice-overs for you, as I am currently unemployed. lol
Thanks for the compliment.
eugene57, 9 years ago
Awesome tutorial eugene57. Wish you could do some more tutorials for Blufftitler itself :-)
Looking forward to seeing more from you. Many thanks for posting this.
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
Well Eugene it appears I am having a similar problem as others in trying to locate the PLUGIN folder. I downloaded Sketchup 2016 program and all I have is a icfplugin folder with a lot of dll files
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
Acording to SketchUp, navigate to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp #\SketchUp\Plugins
Paste your plugin files there.
Open SketchUp 2014 or newer and access the plugins as you have in the past. Note that there may be some older plugins that are not compatible with your current version of SketchUp. In this case, please contact the plugin developer for additional assistance.
Also, please read the previous posts, as others have asked the same question. The SketchUp site has a whole Q & A section full of these kinds of questions.
I plan to do other short tutorials if time permits.
eugene57, 9 years ago
I'm running Windows 10 and never had SketchUp before so I just downloaded SketchUp 16 and I don't have the file path like that. Maybe I should unload 2016 and try and install an older version?
If I could figure out how to post a screen shot I would. I guess I'll have to make a screen recording and post it on YouTube and provide the link to it here.
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
I don't have windows 10 or Sketchup 16. I suggest quiring the folks at Sketchup on how to install plugins on your versions.
eugene57, 9 years ago
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2016\SketchUp\Plugins
'USERNAME' is your user name on your computer, for example:
C:\Users\MrGruntHunter\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2016\SketchUp\Plugins
you can see all the usernames in folder c:\Users, you'll see these folders : Default, Public, YourUsername, and maybe others if there is more than one user on your computer. You can also see your username in top-right of start menu but i don't know if there is a start menu in Windows10.
vincent, 9 years ago
Thank you for clarifying the path for MrGruntHunter. Much appreciated.
According to one of your earlier posts, 3DRadExporter.rbs already comes installed in the 2015 version(?). If so, one only has to go to the Plugins menu on the menu bar and they will find the 3DRadExporter.
Yay! Now BluffTitlers can enjoy using the plethora of 3D models that are available!
Happy Bluffing. Or Titling? BluffTitling? Maybe Outerding? Or, ...
eugene57, 9 years ago
The problem appears to be that I only have "C:\Users\my name\"
and do not have any of the other folders "\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2016\SketchUp\Plugins". Ths only folders I have after C:\Users\my name\" are
Saved Games
I went to the SketchUp web site but when I try and post something for their Tech Support they was a license number as if I am a 'Pro' user
Under "C:\Program Files\SketchUp\Sketchup 2016\" I have
Style Builder
The 'Exporter' folder only contains a bunch of .dll files
The 'ShippedExtensions' folder does have some .rb files plus some other folders and one of those folders is "su_dynamiccomponents" and it happens to have a subfolder "ruby" that has some .rbs and a .rb file.
After I open up SketchUp and try to export a file the only file extensions I have available are:
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
MrGruntHunter, i think these (system) folders are hidden (for security reason) on your computer (see link bellow how to make them visible).
Eugene57: '3DRadExporter.rbs already comes installed in the 2015 version(?).' i mean .x eportation was working without install anything with SK2015 pro.
vincent, 9 years ago
In SK2015 export to .x is in extensions menu: (All these infos was already in some posts of this article)
vincent, 9 years ago
I followed your instructions to find the view hidden files/folder option and my box was 'checked' to view them so I'm ok in that respect. Looking at the screen shot in your second post however I see I don't have 'Extensions' as a menu option as you have it between 'Windows' and 'Help'.
BTW; how did you post the screen shot. I tried to do a 'SnipIt' of my screen but it wouldn't let me post it in with my text to my postings.
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
Hey Vincent,
I Just made a screen recording to post and when I went looking for where the file was saved to I stumbled across the path you had posted and found where the Plugin folder was located. I then went back and copied the 3D RAD file and pasted it into the new found Plugin folder. Now my SketchUp menu looks like yours and I see I now have the option to save a project as a .x file. Very strange that the PlugIn folder still doesn't show up in the SketchUp Directory. Should I drag it there or leave well enough alone?
Thank you for your patience in 'kicking' me through this LOL :-) Now, with that said I still would like to know how you managed to insert an image (screen shot) into your posting here.
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
MrGruntHunter, i'm happy if you have the extensions menu now. To post picture i have a ftp server where i paste pictures or any file then i paste the link of the picture in the Link (URL) area in the post. If you have no ftp (what i suppose) i think, you can use:
to store pictures
Then you paste the link of the picture in field : Link (URL) of your post to display it in your message.
vincent, 9 years ago
Vincent, Eugene,
Now that I can play with SketchUp the questions will probably start pouring in :-)
#1: I seem to be having a hard time rotating the models smoothly. Is there a 'Snap To' setting I need to adjust somewhere? The rotating tool is not all that intuitive to me and always seems to want to revolve around the wrong axis. :-(
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
MrGruntHunter, i am not enough experimented with Sketchup to answer to your question but, probably the time lapse in movements depends on the size and the complexity of the model and the characteristics (RAM/processor/video etc..) of your computer too.
Maybe a sketchup forum is more appropriate to ask your questions about this program
vincent, 9 years ago
Thanks Vincent, I'll give that a try. What seems to be taking place is when I try and rotate the model it wants to 'snap' to specific angles rather then letting me adjust it in an infinite position.
BTW: Hope you and your family have a very Happy, Healthy, Safe and Prosperous New Year. Still can't thank you enough for helping me with the Vault Door intro. I'm using it with all of my YouTube videos now. :-)
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago