NextPreviousHomeBix Wars demo video

eugene57 | 9 years ago | 6 comments | 4 likes | 2.2K views

persiana, Tintin, michiel and 1 other like this!

Here is a Star Wars based Show I was tinkering with. I thought others might be interested in my use of model layers, audio layers, and particle and text effects. The 8MG zip file was too big to upload to the Outerspace website.

You can download the Zipped show and files here to study how I did the animation...

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A 3D scroller, aliens, explosions and the Millennium Falcon... that's all a movie needs!

michiel, 9 years ago

buen espectáculo Eugene57

persiana, 9 years ago

faltan 5 días para el estreno , buen trabajo Eugene57

B.Projects, 9 years ago

I notice eugene57 is having the same results I am having with having things float around and changing direction. How do you smooth those transitions out without having things look like they just bumped into a wall like pac man?
When I've played around with that effect my objects just go in straight lines and bounce around like balls in a pin-ball machine :-( Do you just have to add 100's of keys at the transition point to try and create a smooth curve or is there an easier way?

MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago

Use instead of Constant Speed a different Physics Effect, this can be done per layer. So your camera layer can have other then your model layer.

Make your animation with Constant Speed to set your marking points, then try a different Physics effect to see what looks better, you may have to adjust the keys in the timeline to correct.

When you are more proficient you know the types by heart and anticipate the effect it will have.

Good luck trying out.

komies, 9 years ago

Nice Scifi.

Filip, 9 years ago

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