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Changa | 9 years ago | 5 comments | 1.5K views

Hi there

Everythime i opn BT it's set to output resoultion of 640x480px.
I change it to 1920x1080px and then render a movie.
I close BT.
I open it again, and the resolution output is back to 640x480px.

Can i save the last used resolution somehow so i won't have
to chane everytime the settings?


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*Everythime i open

Changa, 9 years ago

ha ha , ***everytime i open (now it's good)

Changa, 9 years ago

You can set the home page in the SETTINGS > OPTIONS... dialog.

This is the show that is loaded when you start BluffTitler.

When you make sure this show uses your favorite resolution, BluffTitler now starts up in this resolution.

michiel, 9 years ago

Michiel, You're the best.

Say, can BT make Motion Blur like AE?

Changa, 9 years ago

Most NLEs, including Sony Vegas, can do excellent motion blur. We try to focus on effects that are NOT possible as post processing.

Effects like depth of field for example:

michiel, 9 years ago

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