NextPreviousHometutorial cube rubik - cube map

B.Projects | 9 years ago | 9 comments | 6 likes | 3.3K views

maxste, michiel, Filip and 3 others like this!

I've taken a bit of time to file the Rubik cube cfx Michiel.
Then I also want you to see that for each object is proved necessary, a layer of a different cube.
In this presentation also it appears rotating sphere with Overhauser curve.
Although you can do this yourself with the tool rotation center

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Michiel be a good idea cfx cube_rubik add the option to add cube map texture, dds.

B.Projects, 9 years ago

Thank you for this instructive show.

vincent, 9 years ago

Yes good learning show Maitegras, sorry B.Projects :^)

As well good use of the cubemap layer.

komies, 9 years ago

Thanks for your comments guys.
Komies, you do not have to apologize, his intentions are always good.
I do not know all things, and every day I'm learning. ☺☺

B.Projects, 9 years ago

Thank you for sharing this, it was very kind of you. Much appreciated!


Bald Runner, 9 years ago

Extraordinario el tutorial Roque, ya veo que estas metido de lleno otra vez, de lo cual me alegro muchísimo porque otra vez espero aprender de ti

persiana, 9 years ago

Gracias persiana , no creo que tengas mucho que aprender de mi , pues tu tienes un buen nivel y el año que he estado parado me he perdido por el camino .
Como ya te decía anteriormente me faltan las ideas .
un saludoooo ☺

B.Projects, 9 years ago

B.Projects, i knew that...but don't worry your inspiration is allways here.

vincent, 9 years ago

thanks vincent

B.Projects, 9 years ago

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