B.Projects | 9 years ago | 6 comments | 8 likes | 2.4K views
vincent, Ulli, jopin and 5 others like this!
old job, this time I built one on top mirror layer and a layer of reflective cube.
I have to say that the new version is giving me many pleasant surprises.
Thank you ☺
Michiel the effect is GradientWipe
1 texture, video
2nd texture, image png transparebte (nothing inside)
3rd flare texture 25
Gradientwipe offers many possibilities apart from this.
B.Projects, 9 years ago
Great trick!
Instead of using a fully transparent picture for the 2nd texture, you can also simply leave this field empty in the MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE... dialog: click on the CLEAR button.
michiel, 9 years ago
ok I try this Michiel thanks
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the effort that is being made in this new version 12.
The new effects are incredible, and builds the imagination more easily
B.Projects, 9 years ago
Thank YOU B.Projects!
Without all the inspiring shows posted in this community we would be nowhere.
michiel, 9 years ago