MrGruntHunter | 9 years ago | 1 comment | 1.7K views
Watching your 'demo show' packaged with V12, for the file what controls the amount of movement (shaking) of BIX ? Is it possible to make BIX twist or shake more rapidly or with greater movement ?
The speed (timing) of the movement is determined by the music, that's the idea of the VJ effects.
When using the VJ_Dancer effect, the amount of movement is controlled by the FX BOWING property.
michiel, 9 years ago
Dell PC WINDOWS 10 PRO, 64-bit, Ver:1607, OS BLD: 14393.1066
INTEL Core: i7-4790, CPU @3.60 GHz, Instld RAM:16.0 GB
GeForce GTX 745, Driver ver: 376.53, Tot avail grap: 12225 MB, Ded vid mem: 4096 MB DDR3
Shared Sys Mem: 8159 MB, DirectX Runtime Ver:12.0
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