NextPreviousHomeCube Animation V12

B.Projects | 9 years ago | 7 comments | 11 likes | 3.0K views

LostBoyz, michiel, Ulli and 8 others like this!

greetings to all .
me to work since having to edit this work.
the effects of v11 to v12 were not compatible.
but the result in the new version is much better
add mirror layer, and the layer of cube gives spectacular results

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Did you use an effect to create the cubes?

Or did you use the CUBE mode of the picture layer (1st dropdown below the textbox)?

michiel, 9 years ago

For information, in Version11, I created an animated cube hosted a container with 6 images
Layer Image:
1st texture: image.jpg
2nd texture:
Effect: Colourmap_Cubemap.fx

In version 12, problem loading compatibility for the effect

If I replace by ColourMap_CubeMapDDS.cfx, problem there are a mixture of images on same side of the cube.

If I delete the cfx effect, the cube is animated and the image on the face of the cube is correct.

jeablu, 9 years ago

el resultado es perfecto. me gusta muchísimop

persiana, 9 years ago

cubes are (font writing) and I used to map uvmapper_text.cfx
thanks for your comments ☺♥

B.Projects, 9 years ago

jeable ,to have complete control of 6 images in a cube, the cube must first texturing in a program like cinema 4d.
somehow we can get six pictures in a container but when making a Rubik's cube would be very complicated

B.Projects, 9 years ago

Beautifull, how do you do this.
Share please!

Filip, 9 years ago

Great show!!! love it.

Dani, 9 years ago

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