matty | 16 years ago | 4 comments | 4 likes | 9.0K views
michiel, abcodie, sfwriter and 1 other like this!
the idea for NYE this year was to do a pirate theme - so as it's early days yet I thought I'd make this little teaser. If you're wondering why the action happens in the corner it's because there is a lighting rig going diagonally across the screen area in the club rendering the upper right of the screen unusable - enjoy
Super! Ich mag die sich drehende durchsichtige Erdkugel.
Wie ist die genau gemacht?
abcodie, 16 years ago
JimH, 16 years ago
Fantastic !
Inside the package I've seen a picture (JPEG) with diamonds, that doesn't seem to be included in the presentation.
What was that for ?
snafu, 16 years ago
you're right! didn't notice that - I think the cheeky blighter must have decided not to feel left out!! - I'm sure it's not part of the show lol!
matty, 16 years ago