NextPreviousHomeBT file for the Worms!

matty | 15 years ago | 5 comments | 2 likes | 5.4K views

Alanan and Doc6768 like this!

As requested here is a cut down version of the BT file I made for the fireworks show. I've had to remove a few layers and textures because they are from the copyrighted DPack templates, but this should get you the ideas to work on and make some fireworks of your own.
If you haven't got it yet I would recommend buying the DPack templates for the textures and FX files.

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Nice stuff. But I don't recall any Dpack shows that create fireworks - I have 1 & 2. What do you mean?

JimH, 15 years ago

in my other fireworks shows i used some texture files that came as part of the dpack shows

matty, 15 years ago

I don't see the "burst" in this BT file like the videos. Is there an effect I'm missing with the Dpack or just a texture? The off center picture has the Not Lightened Additive fx on it.

Elect1, 15 years ago

i think i understand what you're getting at:
you can make a burst by simply cloning the wormy layer, changing the particle to a sparkle or whatever and increasing the launch speed, lowering the age and if you want increasing the emission at the burst point to say 5000.
Also another good one to do is a very low age value with a long, high density trail. Then make that one a 3d pipes effect, that will give a nice flash bang kinda thingy. Also if you haven't got bluff version 8, the lens flare will not show up either.

matty, 15 years ago

The explosion (layer 5) in the BT file looks faint and has a purple tint. No light/radiance and very hard to see. You can see the "worms" spinning though. Great effect in the video. I know I'm overlooking something simple!

Elect1, 15 years ago

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