Per | 15 years ago | 5 comments | 2.9K views
If i create a key frame on say "position", it shows up in "rotation as well" -
how can I get rid of this so it only adds them where i want them?
Guess its a bug, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Per, 15 years ago
Keyframes follow layers, not the attributes of layers. So the keyframe will show up for all attributes of a layer - this is normal. to avoid problems you need to make sure you've completed your rotation movements before you insert the new keyframe in position. This way, the new keyframe will only contain the rotation values that are appropriate for that location along the time line and will not affect overall rotation unless you subsequently move the keyframe or edit the rotation values...then you have to correct your rotation values to compensate.
I suppose independent keyframes for all attributes of each layer might be useful - never thought about it. ;)
JimH, 15 years ago
Very odd. As I remembered version 7 did that... hm.. guess i'm losing my mind...
But yes, I thought it would be useful, imagine you MOVE a text from point A to B - you need to key frames for that.
Then you put in 20 rotations frames.
If you then go back to the MOVE attribute, if there was still only the two relevant keyframes there it would be easy to move the destination "B" to somewhere else.
But as it is now, suddenly you have 20 keyframes on the move attribute line that you don't want.
Anyway, scary that I thought it used to be that way. Sorry about that then.
Per, 15 years ago
I'm still on V7 and it is like that.
JimH, 15 years ago
"As I remembered version 7 did that... hm.. guess i'm losing my mind..."
Means "I thought version 7 did that, but I understand that it doesn't"
Per, 15 years ago