Dani | 10 years ago | 10 comments | 7 likes | 6.6K views

komies, persiana, Pixelpanther and 4 others like this!

(: It's great joy working with BLUFFTITLER.

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great show

komies, 10 years ago

And it's great joy watching your work!

michiel, 10 years ago

muy bueno Dani

persiana, 10 years ago

Slick and smart show as usual I see Dani - nice work, see I got some practice to get in again lol :)

Pixelpanther, 10 years ago

Thank you komies,michiel,persiana, and pixelpanther,

Dani, 10 years ago

how can i make and use this template???
Greetz Andretti

Andretti, 10 years ago

Hi Andretti, the whole show designed with font is called "SHAPES" in that
you have different shapes, i chose square shape,
First set camera settings:
position 3rd drop down: 500
Field of view: 60.0002
Arm Lenth:-500
Add plasma layer choosing: Radial gradient coffee make background like this show.
and create a container:
take square font shape for picture,(press F8 to add pic and appyly notlightned.fx
and take few more square fonts and use jumble option to make distance from each other.
Add particle cubes and apply relclectionmap.fx ( for background particle cubes)

Text is not sufficient to explain the whole show how it designed, i have desired to make demo show but some fonts and textures have (some from bixpack) copyrighted problems , some people think Dani only add show offs videos not any demo shows this is the answer. Finally sorry for my English this is not my language , may be one of my show explains you how to make cubes, download the show files and observe them. you may try with this,Thank you.

Dani, 10 years ago

I agree with Dani, as sometimes it would be nice to add shows as well as show offs, but the bixpacks do contain effects which allow greater scope and flexibility, such as bixpack 11.

Also there are some artists here who make a living from their art, so sometimes it is difficult to draw the line between what is given and techniques shared. But I think it is fair to say that everyone I have met on here has certainly contributed something to help users climb the ladder to become more proficient with BluffTitler.

It would not be fair to give away the FX or files contained within the packs as that would take away money from BluffTitler's great development team, so the rules are indeed fair and there to help make BT bigger and better in the long run.

As with most of us here, once you pick up the basics, please do invest in one or more bixpacks as you WILL definitely benefit from watching how they are created and build your own style, even perhaps coming up with something new :)

Andretti, a good excercise is to pick a user and take a look at their progression from their early shows, Dani is a great example, and has progressed over time to do the kind of shows we see now....

Persistence certainly does pay off, even as I take time out to drop these few lines I'm experimenting with something new and often find snippets of information to build on or re-engineer. The Gallery is a great place to learn...

When I started out I felt a bit intimidated by what people could create and I could not, but the secret is practice and practice more.... you will find your own style, and you will sit back and go WOW I just did that!

I wish you well in becoming a BluffStar :)

Pixelpanther, 10 years ago

Thank you Pixelpanther, NICE WORDS , you are positive person.
For to me BLUFFTILER is very user friendly, I always say "BT gives what i want"
more flexible software. If any one who wants to learn bt, key is "PRACTICE......
PRACTICE........and experiments. Michiel shows are ultimate examples. Bixpacks too. Earlier Even i don't know what is 3d. If any one want to learn BT few words for them.
Need some creative mind, and observe the other artist work, passion for work, watching some videos on youtube, Observe 3d text styles on google, start a small show , enjoy the show first you before posting, take some guidance and tips from bt friends(for to me all are fantastic people in our gallery eager to help).That's all, thank you. may be long story but it's from my heart.

Dani, 10 years ago

Just observe how they look like, every day i observe them ,colors, lighting,position,camera position,reflection, and so on. just try one that look like in bt.

Dani, 10 years ago

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About Dani

Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
Thank you for watching my shows and your great support.
Lots of Love from

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