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Dani | 4 years ago | 17 comments | 16 likes | 1.9K views

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J'aime bien la pellicule du film qui se déroule en spirale , vous êtes vous aidez de Bixelangelo ?

PAT67, 4 years ago

Esta genial, Dani

persiana, 4 years ago

Dani c'est super j'adore
serais t'il possible d'avoir un fichier justement j'ai un projet a faire sur un film et je trouve votre intro extraordinaire ....
merci et Bravo pour cette démo ...

cheyenne, 4 years ago

Great Intro

Filip, 4 years ago

Nice show, I like it

lightads, 4 years ago

Good show Dani.

vincent, 4 years ago

Superb intro, Dani, well done! And I join cheyenne to have the mediafiles, if possible.

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

Hi Dani,
Every body would like this intro ! Is there a way you share it ?
Go on with this nice job

Jeep35, 4 years ago

Thank you dear friends..let me share my views..
1.First of all you may be disappointed by the attachment file.yes original file have
Copyrighted material and bixpack textures..our community rules i can't share..
but i am trying to give an idea that i replaced with installer know how it's made
2. Layer 19 is main here i added other pic here you can change to horizontal PNG filmstrip may be getting the texture scale problem , so go to this layer properties adjust the FX TEXTURE SCALE..
Thank you for your interest to learn how the show design ..yes curious about filmstrip
this is a sketch layer draw in Bixelangelo ...using the "Circular loop" option.. i made some adjustments in BT ..That's it.. English is not mother tongue.. above text also taken time type..Last but not least.. Just try with your test with this file...thank you

Dani, 4 years ago

Great thank you Dani !

Jeep35, 4 years ago

Many thanks Dani for the explanations.

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

Grand merci Dani!

cheyenne, 4 years ago

Thank you a lot Dani for sharing.

Eddy, 4 years ago

Awesome. I love the popping corn.
And thank you very much for sharing, Dani!

Ulli, 4 years ago

Thank you Dani for the work you had to do to share the Mediafiles with copyright free material. It's perfect: these exchanges allow us to learn, to progress, to work, and then to invent our own shows. And let's not forget, from the discussion comes the light ... If all the guys in the world, held hands by hand, they would form a circle ... (French popular song:

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

Very good show Dani! :)

LostBoyz, 4 years ago

You are welcome..

Dani, 4 years ago

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About Dani

Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
Thank you for watching my shows and your great support.
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