Dani | 8 years ago | 9 comments | 6 likes | 2.6K views
LostBoyz, michiel, persiana and 3 others like this!
Really we are all missing you ...come back dear.
Great coconuts (or maybe dinosaur eggs) landscape Dani! Agree, Joel is a top class person, great artistically, technically and overall humanely, always clever and just in his expertises and full of courtesy, i miss him.
vincent, 8 years ago
Bonito espectáculo.
yo también siento la ausencia de Joel, es una gran pena su ausencia
persiana, 8 years ago
As always a beautifull show with a good message.
A beautifull landscape: How did you make it?
Filip, 8 years ago
According to a widely-repeated legend, one major American newspaper mistakenly printed Mark Twain's obituary. After which, Twain quipped: “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
I'm alive and well and thankfully not forgotten by my dear, dear Blufftitler family. Hopefully I'll be able to once again contribute to this wonderfully creative community.
Dani and friends, keep up great work and leave the light on for me!
IntroChamp, 8 years ago
Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
Thank you for watching my shows and your great support.
Lots of Love from
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