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Dani | 10 years ago | 10 comments | 5 likes | 19.6K views

LostBoyz, komies, liuyongcai and 2 others like this!

Testing (:

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I applied clip.fx on eps which is in my local language.

Dani, 10 years ago

Also very nice! But the fire and the smoke were inserted in your NLE ^^?

John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

Thanks John, I don't use any NLE for my shows, this is purely done in BLUFFTITLER. i used ChromaKey.fx for that.

Dani, 10 years ago

Dani, when you attach the particles to your EPS they follow the shape of your EPS. Choose LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH PARTICLES TO ACTIVE LAYER...

Make sure the FX CLIP PLANE properties of the EPS match the LAUNCH PLANE properties of the particle layer. This way the particles are emitted from the clip plane.

And when you use more and smaller particles (use the EMISSION and PARTICLE SIZE properties) the particles follow the shape of your EPS more closely.

michiel, 10 years ago

Very useful info thanks Michiel.

Dani, 10 years ago

Thanks Dani!
Good to know!

John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

Very nice show!:)

LostBoyz, 10 years ago


liuyongcai, 10 years ago

Thank you L.B and liuyongcai.

Dani, 10 years ago

merci bon travaille

thierry obchette, 10 years ago

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Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
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