maitegras | 12 years ago | 15 comments | 2 likes | 3.8K views
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a greeting
after leaving the UVModifier.fx, this has given me many solutions to some problems.
Now it's time to do something bigger and more aesthetic.
Would it be possible to add to this fx, ReflectiveFloor_CubeMapDDS?
I have no hurry with this, because I have not much time
You do not need UV coordinates for reflection or cubemapping.
Or do you want to mix cubemapping with colourmapping and need the UVModifier for the colourmapping part?
michiel, 12 years ago
YES, colourmapping need to be mapped, but using as second texture
maitegras, 12 years ago
maitegras, a maximum of 10 FX properties are possible.
Which 10 FX properties would you like to have?
michiel, 12 years ago
I will study this first. this is very interesting and I will not be wrong
maitegras, 12 years ago
I just think in 8 fx
if you think you can still add something else, is free to do so, thank you very much
maitegras, 12 years ago
Those are effects (shaders or FXs). What I meant was properties.
For example the effect ReflectiveFloor_CubeMapDDS.fx has 8 properties:
1 FX Floor Colour
2 FX Transparency Reflection / Blur
3 FX Transparency Gradient
4 FX Floor Level
5 FX Reflection Rotation
6 FX Lighting Factor
7 FX Reflection Factor
8 FX Texture Speed
Combining all the effects your mention will result in a huge effect with about 60 properties. This is not only technically impossible but will also be very difficult to use.
When you let me know the 10 properties you would like to have we'd be happy to create that effect for you.
michiel, 12 years ago
AH ok sorry
1 FX Floor Colour
2 FX Transparency Reflection / Blur
3 FX Transparency Gradient
4 FX Floor Level
5 FX Reflection Rotation
6 FX Lighting Factor
7 FX Reflection Factor
8 FX Texture Speed
9 FX texture position
10 FX texture scale
maitegras, 12 years ago
maitegras, we have created the new effect based on your recipe. Click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button at the top of this article to download it.
Thank you for your request, I hope this is what you were looking for.
michiel, 12 years ago
Michiel thank you very much.
I will make good use of the
maitegras, 12 years ago
I do not thank me for my. Michiel is the one who deserves it ;-)
maitegras, 12 years ago
Maitegras, I've found a small bug in your effect: the texture of the reflected text was not moved and scaled in the same way as the normal (not reflected) text.
The problem is fixed and the updated effect can be downloaded from this page: click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button at the top of this article to download it.
michiel, 12 years ago
Thank you. I was just working on this. but I did not realize this ruling
maitegras, 12 years ago