michiel | 12 years ago | 2 comments | 7 likes | 6.2K views
PiPPi, chespi650, Carlos Marques and 4 others like this!
New features in this version include:
Text and EPS layers always rotated around their centre, which is sometimes not what you want. Just like the picture and model layers, the text and EPS layers now feature a rotation centre property.
This way you can rotate your fonts and EPS shapes around any point you like without having to do complex tricks with container layers.
When you press F2 (or choose SETTINGS > SHOW INFO) the rotation centre is visualized with cyan, yellow and purple arrows.
Have you ever been puzzled why your layer refuses to generate lightbeams?
It was probably too far from the light source. BluffTitler always used a minimum distance of 500. In the latest version you can control this distance with the BEAM RANGE prop of the light layer. This way you can add ligthbeams to a specific area or, if you want, to the whole scene!
We recently encountered a 3D model that refused to generate shadows. This can happen when the model is very detailed, but this model was only 10K.
It turned out we had found a bug in DirectX. Luckily a workaround was quickly found.
However it is possible that old shows rely on the fact that some models do not cast shadows, which means that they will be broken by this bugfix. This forced us to implement the following new feature:
The LAYER > ACTIVE LAYER PROPERTIES... dialog has 2 new checkboxes: NEVER GENERATE SHADOWS and NEVER GENERATE LIGHTBEAMS. This way you can easily prevent the active layer to generate shadows and/or lightbeams.
Old shows sometimes switch to SINGLE SIDED (in the text and picture layers) to prevent shadow casting. Thanks to this new feature you no longer have to use this hack.
We noticed that when displaying the crosshair, safe area and camera coordinate system (when pressing F2 or choosing SETTINGS > SHOW INFO) the animation regulary hangs for about 2 seconds until it continues as if nothing has happened. We have never experienced this before so it must be caused by a Windows update? video driver update? or maybe Windows 8?
No matter what caused it, a perfect fix is implemented in the latest version.
Latest version also features a 256 x 256 icon for use in your 30 inch full HD Windows 8 desktop.
This huge icon makes the executable a bit bigger but boy, doesn't it look good!
Version 8.7 is a free upgrade and can be downloaded from the download page:
Perfect! Many thanks for all the details on what is in the update, very much appreciated.
PiPPi, 12 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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