BillyJack | 12 years ago | 4 comments | 3.1K views
What file in potrace do you open to tweak the settings? Vincent I think was working on a program to make adjustments, but I've never figured out where the adjustments themselves were being made.
Mr. V, did you ever finalize that program?
BillyJack, yes i have finalized my program and you can contact me on my YouTube channel. Potrace parameters are described in below link. Too complex eps are not rendered by BT, for simple pics i use 'potrace -c -q -n' and for more complex pics i try with 'potrace -c -q -n -O0 -a-1' wich corresponds to sharper corners. Most of the parameters are not very visible on the result. In my program i have an option to display advanced setting but it's not easy to see what are the difference, you have to try with differents pics and different settings, usually i don't use advanced settings but just one setting : Rounder Sharper.
vincent, 12 years ago
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