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IBMedia | 12 years ago | 8 comments | 4.1K views

Version 8.4 introduced the option for re-ordering the layers, according to the announcement page.

Layers were always sorted by layer type: camera layers first, containers last. In this new version, by unmarking the SORT LAYERS ON LAYER TYPE checkbox in the SETTINGS > GENERAL OPTIONS... dialog, you can order the layers as you like. Freely move them around with ALT [ ].

I have unchecked "Sort layers on layer type" and I have checked "Auto folding layers hierarchy", and I'm trying to reorder my layers by holding the ALT key while dragging one of the layers in the layer list dropdown ... but this is not altering my layer order.

I have also tried with "Auto folding layers hierarchy" not checked, and that did not work either.

Am I trying to do this incorrectly?

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You can move layers around by pressing ALT [ and ALT ] or by choosing LAYER > BRING ACTIVE LAYER BACKWARD and LAYER> BRING ACTIVE LAYER FORWARD

Dragging layers in the dropdown listbox is not yet supported.

michiel, 12 years ago

You can move layers around by pressing ALT [ and ALT ]

Hi Michiel,

Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by that.

Pressing the ALT key and doing what?

IBMedia, 12 years ago

You can find the [ and ] keys next to the P key on your keyboard:

michiel, 12 years ago

Nevermind, I understand now that I looked at the menu and saw ...


Sorry for being stupid.

Thanks for your help.

IBMedia, 12 years ago

Hi Folks, regarding sorting layers on, not sure if it is an issue, but I'm not getting to move the image layer (Layer 12) over the text layers. So I'd like to move to 3rd position and it is stuck on 12th. See attached image.

Also in the I didn't find in options the checkbox to unchecked "Sort layers on layer type".

I'd like to place the transparent png image over the text in the layer order. The only way I got to do it, but not getting to rearranging layer order as 3rd position was by changing the layer style to "2D in foreground"

Any help to really sort the layer I'll appreciate.


lucato, 5 years ago

The order in the layers dropdown has nothing to do with the render order.

When you want to move a picture in front of a text, move it closer to the camera with its POSITION property.

Maybe this discussion helps:

michiel, 5 years ago

hmmm not sure if I understood Michiel, but thanks for your reply and the link for discussion. What I understood in other words is that texts are always considered as 3D render/view and I cannot never think them as 2D view/layers as I was, therefore I will never get to put 2d image in front of or behind texts by changing layer orders, right? The only think I didn't understood is why changing the image to "2D in foreground" made the image goes in front of the text in a "3D scene". What I can think about it is that by using "2D in foreground" style it superposes the camera, so would be like an sticker on the TV tube. Rs.

lucato, 5 years ago

The 2D IN FOREGROUND style is kind of a hack: it artificially places itself in front of everything. It can be useful for a station logo.

michiel, 5 years ago

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