michiel | 4 months ago | 10 comments | 12 likes | 539 views
Tintin, irina1208, chaver and 9 others like this!
Here's a video I made for a friend's birthday. It's all basic BluffTitler technology, but I really like the result so want to share it with you. It's only 16 seconds and exported as 1280 x 720 MP4 it was small enough to be sent via WhatsApp! And yes, the name and avatar have been changed to protect the innocent.
Dance hall model: outerspace-software.com...
Avatar: blufftitler.readyplayer.me...
Motion capture: mixamo.com...
Font: dafont.com...
Music: outerspace-software.com...
Mixamo can't handle GLB files, so we have to use temporary FBX files:
-Ready Player Me exports as GLB
-Use Blender to convert to FBX
-Load the FBX in Mixamo
-Mixamo exports as FBX
-Use Blender to convert to GLB
-In BluffTitler, render the original GLB from Ready Player Me with a model layer and choose MEDIA > CHANGE MODEL... to apply the animation. Tick the TRANSLATION and ROTATION checkboxes.
I added some glow to the avatar by ticking the GLOW checkbox in the LAYER > ACTIVE LAYER PROPERTIES... checkbox.
I blowed up the head, hands and feet with the SX props:
Nice template !
shoji M, 4 months ago
Graet work
mohkamil, 4 months ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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Contact michiel by using the comment form on this page or at info@outerspace-software.com