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Rorysee | 6 months ago | 7 comments | 1 like | 281 views

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how can I get the text to work like a counter = word = character jump next word etc. Like Vincent amazing airport flip text but I only want it to work on text

thanks = any ideas

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The numbers are stored in a texture. This means that by editing this texture in a paint app you can replace the numbers by anything you want: letters, texts, icons, emoji, little drawings in full colour and anything else you can put in a texture.

Here's a demo show. The texture 0123456789.png can be found in the Textures folder.

michiel, 6 months ago

yes...thanks michiel. I did try that but I need the alpha channel transparency. I was thinking of using the counter slider and swapping the numbers to Alphabet characters

Rorysee, 6 months ago

When you make the texture transparent, the numbers/texts/pictures become very difficult to read/see because every time 2 of them are rendered transparently on top of each other. Plus I don't see how a flipper with floating pictures could work mechanically, this will look very unrealistic. So I do not advise to use transparency.

michiel, 6 months ago

thanks michiel, I used BT text, and layered the text with a fade in and out. it would be a nice feature to have a simple character swap out like the number counter.

Rorysee, 6 months ago

Maybe the ENCRYPT prop of the text layer is what you are looking for.

michiel, 6 months ago

thank you michiel. the Encrypt won't allow you to change and hold on characters = for example. STAND....BRTYU...GET READY....RTGNMBD ....GO! this must be on one text layer or track

Rorysee, 6 months ago

How about doing it like this:

michiel, 6 months ago

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