NextPreviousHomeSome new me

bambamD | 6 months ago | 2 comments | 4 likes | 203 views

Ulli, songbaojin, liuyongcai and 1 other like this!

some new me, 26 video layers implanted on this video, thank you Mr. michiel and my dear members... we learn till end of days. Nobody perfect but here I see perfects.. so let Jam it!

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Nice to know BluffTitler is capable of creating a 43 minute video with 26 video layers.

michiel, 6 months ago

Mr. michiel, used BluffTitler for all cars, not all videos mine, as I'm member of Filmora but prefer BluffTitler for my creations.. I told 26 video layers, that mean 26 video tracks added one by one above them in Filmora (in history nobody did that.) As you know nobody did ,more than 1 hour waves in im happy when get something of my goals, but want more, to learn of course... but not all time in some minutes, I'm sad I cant proof that. Don't remember where recorded and my disks are in the big mess and using half working laptop. When find it will show as photo embed. Will be big liar telling is made in BluffTitler. But I had yeh issues hahahah owerhelmed by my personal problems forgot to shrink video from 110xx frames to normal 60 or 180

bambamD, 6 months ago

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About bambamD

I am partner in my wife company XtraX 5G, teacher and open for suggestions and have will to share my knowledge in filming industry. Working with Bluff since 2010! But didn't learned all compatibilities that this program can make, also doing render WITH IClone reallusion and I am member of The CGBros, Yamaha and music Planet then Filmora Squad Leader Top Level.

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