bambamD | 2 years ago | 2 likes | 529 views
I am happy to announce and share to all of dear members here!
Hello i got opportunity to be a part of Filmora FCC. I will never forgot way i do stuff rendering with BLUFF TITLER. Chief Michiel thanks for years here and for software you made and gived to public. You deserve to be the Top man in the world. At least i will never forget you and all members of this community. I just want to share few new vids i created.
I am partner in my wife company XtraX 5G, teacher and open for suggestions and have will to share my knowledge in filming industry. Working with Bluff since 2010! But didn't learned all compatibilities that this program can make, also doing render WITH IClone reallusion and I am member of The CGBros, Yamaha and music Planet then Filmora Squad Leader Top Level.
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