bambamD | 3 years ago | 5 comments | 5 likes | 933 views
Ulli, michiel, liuyongcai and 2 others like this!
New video all by me! I mentioned all members and chief Michiel in this video JAM !
Great Jam session!
Filip, 3 years ago
chief Michiel please consider if is possible to input in Bluff projects from Reallusion ICLone??? And thanks to all for support...Covid situation turned me in real mess.My Craft started few days to work finally..but that is all from politicians all ower my country....
bambamD, 3 years ago
Thanks for the request BambamD!
Importing iClone projects is mission impossible, just like it would be impossible for iClone to import BluffTitler projects. But I think what you want is importing 3D animations. That could better be implemented by supporting more standard 3D model formats like, for example, DAE (Collada). We would love to do that!
michiel, 3 years ago
yeah , would be nice, cause i render iclone with transparent but then in final production i loose quality of rendering, but Bluff is top for 3d animation, if exist kind of programing sveleton to do meves parts of objects think will be cross point in 3d evolution. Think about it.
bambamD, 3 years ago
I am partner in my wife company XtraX 5G, teacher and open for suggestions and have will to share my knowledge in filming industry. Working with Bluff since 2010! But didn't learned all compatibilities that this program can make, also doing render WITH IClone reallusion and I am member of The CGBros, Yamaha and music Planet then Filmora Squad Leader Top Level.
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