bambamD | 3 years ago | 8 comments | 2 likes | 818 views
New presentation possibilities ICLONE7 DEMOS!
Don't see the additive value of Iclone in combination with Blufftitler and it's not cheap and user friendly
as BluffTitler.
Filip, 3 years ago
Why would someone present IClone and other programs in a Blufftitler community? Just sayin"!
DanaM, 3 years ago
Ma questa non e una comunità di BluffTitler
nonnogio, 3 years ago
nonnogio ??????? The title above this community: "BluffTitler community"
Filip, 3 years ago
So bene che qui si parla di BluffTitler, non capisco quale apporto può dare IClone ad un programma molto completo quale appunto BluffTitler.
nonnogio, 3 years ago
I dont want to promote IClone here just to give you expression what BluffTitler can add more effect agains IClone. IClone dont have such nice interface as BluffTitler and i like Bluff like my own child. That is a matther too use special effects in any program you use to make filming. For me BluffTitler is TOP ONE product in the world.
bambamD, 3 years ago
If anybody need music for his own work i am free to make it for free and also i thinked why we dont make group project to give public what we are able to do. Why not to spend some hour in week to express eachother so we are here to share our stories.. why not????
bambamD, 3 years ago
I am partner in my wife company XtraX 5G, teacher and open for suggestions and have will to share my knowledge in filming industry. Working with Bluff since 2010! But didn't learned all compatibilities that this program can make, also doing render WITH IClone reallusion and I am member of The CGBros, Yamaha and music Planet then Filmora Squad Leader Top Level.
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