bambamD | 3 months ago | 10 comments | 8 likes | 209 views

Ulli, LostBoyz, vincent and 5 others like this!

I'm in mood to do more, why? Simple, discover new horizons in Bluff, all combined by other programs together. Why? Life is so simple when have an goal to reach him.
Thanks to Bluff who made our productions, experiments, abilities to aim more and be creative, making our shows (lot of you I admit are better in production of) unique and accepted worldwide. Bluff is an 3D movie tool not expensive but also fast producer tool.
THANK YOU FOR YEARS MR. michiel and to guide us in different areas of BLUFF and its abilities.

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Love the Pteranodon!

michiel, 3 months ago

yeh making chapters I'm not sure about pterodactyl bird truth name and yeh Mr. michiel you are right that is name of, but is rhino also inside and werewolf, I'm on 2nd one
velociraptor and others but as stoned in soil

bambamD, 3 months ago

nice music and Interesting how you use various sofwares to create a homogeneous whole.
Always impressed by your videos lengh, you must have a super powerful computer to generate these long videos. Me, as long as I use shadows it sometimes takes me 2 hours or more for a one minute video 😢.

vincent, 3 months ago

you will be shocked vincent that I'm not rich persona. Nearly from widowed found my wife out of my country and not on social media, and also I don't have money to repair laptop I use but is this machine doing works and is damaged by scammer who sold me fake HDD, and will retire that laptop in golden frame when my equipment arrive from Croatia. and yeh I use also lot of time to render my videos, so is not just you in the trouble, depend of machine you use and GPUs in actions, had in Croatia mining rig to render graphics that why been fast, when find that video i did my rig will post here specs but is costly and used Radeons 580 and 590 8GB, prefer NVidia for that job is faster even old Ti 1080 with 8GB need less time to render. So i tested and proof that 1 NVidia 1080 Ti 8GB do same job as 2RX 590 8GB OC+ 8GB .So listen me, when have heart and want some goals you can reach it by some knowledge. I'm in computers from 80is while king of computers been Sinclair Spectrum, HAD 16kB MACHINE WITH RS232 AS TO CONNECT TO IRC SITES IN SERBIA (THAT TIME I LIVED IN YUGOSLAVIA). So all you need is cheapest midi keyboard (ORCA PANDA mini: cost 20 USD) an software as Audacity or other DAW, recommend you cheaper Music Maker,
some bigger HDD (recommend you old ones used for CCTV WD BLUE etc., 2TB or more). Producer studio recommend you Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve,
is free and have outstanding results, Im using Filmora X with paid resources. Now I'm in Philippines, married my queen Gena B. Willsen, and all you are warm welcome here for vacations while our family live. Love you all!
Advices i offer for free, cus mother of knowledge is to repeat and continue to live. If can breathe... you can walk... if you can walk you can provide.

bambamD, 3 months ago

Hi Bam,you're right, and no need to be a millionaire to do great work, thanks for the links and keep it up, you seem like a good person !

vincent, 3 months ago

always been Mr. vincent!

bambamD, 3 months ago

Good jam, Bam. 3 of my ex-girlfriends are from the Philippines. Beautiful women.

Decentralized, 3 months ago

Oke, they are good people!

bambamD, 3 months ago

Fantastic music very good video!

LostBoyz, 3 months ago

Thx LostBoyz I'm just amateur about music Jammer to say nothing PRO and your music to say is so Outstanding and make inspiration lot.

bambamD, 3 months ago

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About bambamD

I am partner in my wife company XtraX 5G, teacher and open for suggestions and have will to share my knowledge in filming industry. Working with Bluff since 2010! But didn't learned all compatibilities that this program can make, also doing render WITH IClone reallusion and I am member of The CGBros, Yamaha and music Planet then Filmora Squad Leader Top Level.

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