bambamD | 2 years ago | 3 comments | 3 likes | 583 views

chaver, Tintin and michiel like this!

Bluff in action.

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Nice. I see no difference between BluffTitler's water layer and real-life video footage ❗

2 remarks:

-It's difficult to see which effects are powered by Bluff. I know I have asked this before, but for this community it would really be very useful info. No need for a full list, but a few lines about this would be much appreciated.

-Realize that it works better posting one video a week rather than 5 videos at the same time. Same error we make when adding too many new features in a new release😏

michiel, 2 years ago

Mister Michiel..Bluff can precisely change Fx volume and color as Filmora do..but you know that i like to do animation in Bluff Titler, sometimes i act on already done videos from Pexel or already done animation in presets so i render cut by cut so video by video to add as much by my knowledge in Bluff changing colors etc..yeh all this have other softwares but i preffer your program....and you know that i did in the past mission imposible i streched movie with bluff to 1 hour and 20 min..correct? you saw it here and sent me i did it with your software who is made for short vids. Bluff is so powerfull but consume lot og gigs in avi transparency.

bambamD, 2 years ago

And i do right now education FCC as Bluff stay informed. All the best to the best and all members and users of Bluff here.

bambamD, 2 years ago

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About bambamD

I am partner in my wife company XtraX 5G, teacher and open for suggestions and have will to share my knowledge in filming industry. Working with Bluff since 2010! But didn't learned all compatibilities that this program can make, also doing render WITH IClone reallusion and I am member of The CGBros, Yamaha and music Planet then Filmora Squad Leader Top Level.

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