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Filip | a year ago | 12 comments | 2 likes | 529 views

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Could it be possible to include or exclude more than one submodel.

Exclude layers 1, 5, 9 set Submodel property to -1,-5,-9?

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That's a tempting idea but not without danger. Here's a discussion about this:

michiel, a year ago

That would be great.

vincent, a year ago

In the same dialog we could add glow, wheel, transparency, colour, specularity,....

michiel, a year ago

Is this humor or are you serieus. Would be great !

Filip, a year ago

Too bad, now that BT uses complex models this possibility was important.

vincent, a year ago

I probably don't need to mention the work around.
But for lurkers that may be unsure.
If a model has a bunch of submodels it's very easy to separate them, or change colors, in Blender.
There are plenty of youtube videos that show you how to do it.

Decentralized, a year ago

Decentralized, you are right and this is how I do it but the disadvantage is that it multiplies the number of models to store

vincent, a year ago

I do not understand much of Blender, but deleting submodels is easy. Click on the submodel in the scene collection in the top right and press <Delete>.

Here you can see how the Bix.obj model from the installer looks like in Blender.

michiel, a year ago

whatever the software, once the submodel(s) have been deleted, you must save the result as a NEW model to use it in BT, which has the effect of multiplying the number of models

vincent, a year ago

Vincent, yeah that's the downside for sure.

Decentralized, a year ago

Desentralized, yes it’s often like that in life

vincent, a year ago

Thnx for sharing your thoughts and tips

Filip, a year ago

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