Dani | a year ago | 13 comments | 10 likes | 554 views
Jeep35, nonnogio, michiel and 7 others like this!
Wow...i really like the new glow effect...awesome...
And Dani strikes again. What a beautiful video, love it.
Filip, a year ago
Video semplicemente fantastico, lo adoro.
nonnogio, a year ago
Thank you Liuyongcai, Filip,nonnogio..
Below the original video link of the blockbuster movie (love story)in our language.
Dani, a year ago
Welcome back Dani,
There is a long time that I've not seen such a great movie. All is perfect and your intro is quite in the mood.
Jeep35, a year ago
Nice one Dani. The glowing yellow text on the dark red wood looks spectacular. Better than the original!
michiel, a year ago
Muy bueno y hermoso, Dani. como haces para las letras que brillen, me puedes decir? Gracias.
Jesus, a year ago
Thank you every one for your love...
Jesus: mark the GLOW checkbox in the LAYER > ACTIVE LAYER PROPERTIES... dialog.
of the text layer and adjust the GLOW properties in the camera layer
Camera layer:
Dani, a year ago
Thank you Dani, for your guidance.
Jesus, a year ago
Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
Thank you for watching my shows and your great support.
Lots of Love from
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