Dani | 9 years ago | 9 comments | 7 likes | 2.4K views
vincent, liuyongcai, B.Projects and 4 others like this!
New year series........
Dani well done.
Just say the signs drawn. when taking them out from the first key in the same direction ending.
It's just an idea.
Bien echo Dani .
Solo decir los letreros girados . cuando salen llevarlos desde la primera key en la misma direccion que terminan .
Solo es una idea .
B.Projects, 9 years ago
Dani, very nice show and congratulations for Christmas and fill you with light to make really nice shows.
Jesus, 9 years ago
The red cloth moving left, Im very impressed by that idea!
Very clean objects and surfaces. Good show!
Kauzito, 9 years ago
Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
Thank you for watching my shows and your great support.
Lots of Love from
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