sven | 2 years ago | 10 comments | 658 views
in the future it will be possible to load FBX in addition to GLB ?
Most things on Sketchfab are in FBX format. Even though I create something via Mixamo, it is in FBX format. It would be great if the files could then be loaded directly into Blufftitler.
How do you do that? Overcrowded program, do you convert the files?
I'm puzzled by you message because the reason we love so much is because they offer all their models in the GLB format!
glTF is the same as GLB, only with separate textures. This could easily be supported. But when we do, please do not blame us for all the annoying "could not find texture" error messages... This never happens with GLB because the textures are stored inside the GLB file. That's so much more relaxing!
FBX is a closed format owned by Autodesk. There's no documentation.
GLB on the other hand is an open format with excellent documentation. Their creators call it the "JPEG of 3D" and I hope they are right: building 3D apps should be about creativity and not about having to support yet another file format.
michiel, 2 years ago
The Windows 3D Viewer app can be used to convert FBX to GLB. Simply choose FILE > SAVE AS and enter something that ends with .glb.
Another option is using Blender.
michiel, 2 years ago
I would like to apologize for my bad English. I agree with you completely. It should be simple and uncomplicated to use such things in Blufftitler. I bought a few things from sketchfab. Unfortunately, they are all in FBX format. Many things I would like to use are only in FBX format. In my example, I imported the file into Blender and then exported it again. My purchased file has several animations. In the 3d viewer, for example, everything runs smoothly, but in Blufftitler the animations do not run properly. At the end, the animation stops and takes a break. It doesn't continue to run seamlessly. Here is the file in which it goes in my example.
sven, 2 years ago
After purchasing a model from Sketchfab, do not click on the download button on the "Your order has been received" page. This only gives you the model in the original format, which can be anything.
Instead, click on the big red DOWNLOAD button in the top right on the original page. This gives you the model in the GLB format.
michiel, 2 years ago
What? Really? I have to check it right at home. That would be fantastic !!!
Big Big Thank You
sven, 2 years ago
Your Giraffe features 12 animations. You can select them with the 1st slider of the ANIMATION property.
The animations indeed do not loop seamlessly: they pause at the beginning. Notice that this is also visible in the Sketchfab preview.
You could contact the model designer, ask your money back from Sketchfab or try to fix it in BluffTitler.
To fix it in BluffTitler, set the 1st slider of the ANIMATION prop to 0 and keyframe the 2nd slider. For the 1st animation, animate the 2nd slider from 0.15 to 1. Then skip the pause by immediately jumping to 0.15 (by placing 2 keyframes immediately after each other, for example 00:01.000 and 00:01.001) and repeat. This is a quick test and 0.15 might not be the optimum value. Realize that keyframing the 2nd slider gives you full control: next to creating a seamless loop many other effects are possible.
michiel, 2 years ago
mh i can not find a red Download Button?
sven, 2 years ago
The red download button is visible when you're logged in into Sketchfab and have purchased the model.
Here's how this looks like.
michiel, 2 years ago
ok thank you i found it
sven, 2 years ago
And if necessary you can download again all your ordered models in your Sketchfab account -> Purshases section.
vincent, 2 years ago