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Pioneer | 2 years ago | 5 comments | 410 views

I presume the writer feature only works on a sketch layer. Is there anyway I can get an image to react similar to the writer feature? I have a 3 banded banner image that I wish to make appear from top to bottom a bit of at a time. thank you John

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John there are effects to realize that:

Or maybe Picture\Plane2roll.cfx

Filip, 2 years ago

Maybe you are looking for the gradient wipe effect. It can be found here:

The installer comes with a demo:

Lots of gradient wipes can be found on the internet. Do a Google image search on "gradient wipe".

michiel, 2 years ago

Thank you both, both suggestions have different outcomes both of which I could use, but, how to I get either effect to roll/appear from the top to the bottom? Michaels suggestion shows bottom to top and Filip's shows side to side. Is there a further adjustment within the program to achieve this. Cheers John

Pioneer, 2 years ago

just rotate the image i guess

chaver, 2 years ago

Editing the gradient wipe texture in a paint app gives you full control.

But if you are only interested in reverting the direction, you can do this by animating the FX WIPE STAGE property of the Filters\GradientWipe effect from 0 to -1.

michiel, 2 years ago

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