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Ulli | 2 years ago | 18 comments | 12 likes | 796 views

Lightsmith, Tintin, Alex-Raymond T. and 9 others like this!

Hello my dear friends,
here is a windmill animation.
The trees should also be animated, but somehow it doesn't seem to work.

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Very nice!Ulli

liuyongcai, 2 years ago

Very colorful! Nice flowers and grass… and the windmill is really great. Also, the twig in the farmers mouth is a whimsical detail.
How are you trying to animate the trees? Perhaps someone can help.

IntroChamp, 2 years ago

Very dutch, nice. For the trees maybe you must change the value of the animation number, maybe the value =1 correspond to a static position.

vincent, 2 years ago

Great Ulli!

Filip, 2 years ago

Really great job, looks amazing. Love the trees and flowers.

Decentralized, 2 years ago

What a beautiful well-balanced show. The colours and styles of all the models and textures are a perfect match!

michiel, 2 years ago

Great Ulli

chaver, 2 years ago

Double thumbs up! Excellent composition.

Lightsmith, 2 years ago

Il a l'air bien heureux ce paysan à marcher dans un champ de tulipes !!! Super coloré, bravo Ulli.

le beau jojo, 2 years ago

Thank you so much for your kind comments, my dear friends!
And thank you for your help. But unfortunately the changes to the setting did not help.

Here is the link for the trees to try:

Ulli, 2 years ago

Ulli, I have taken a close look at your tree model and found out that it animates its morph targets. However, the morph targets have no names. This is the reason why they are not visible in the GUI as MX properties and also why the animation does not work. The solution is to generate the names: MX morph target 1, MX morph target 2, MX morph target 3,... This will be implemented in the next release. Thank you for your report!

michiel, 2 years ago

Thank you for giving it a try, Michiel.
Then I'm already looking forward to the next release.

Ulli, 2 years ago

Fits perfectly together. Very well done!

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

very NICE Ulli! :)

LostBoyz, 2 years ago

Thank you very much, Thor5ten and LB!

Ulli, 2 years ago

Very Bucolic! It's successful, thank you Ulli!

Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago

Ulli, the animated tree is fixed in version

michiel, 2 years ago

@ Alex-Raymond T.
Thank you, Alex.

@ Michiel
Thank you so much, Michiel. It works fine!

Ulli, 2 years ago

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