Filip | 2 years ago | 8 comments | 4 likes | 516 views
PAT67, Alex-Raymond T., LostBoyz and 1 other like this!
I'm struggeling to get an addaptive textbox voor Lowerthirds.
When you change the text layer of BixPack31 - Lower Thirds\ in the "change all text" menu, the banner or box stays the same size.
I found one solution:
1. Clone the text,
2. Set the "Text layer Style 3" on "Box"
3. Set in the "Text layer properties" "Spacing" the first slider to 0
You have to tune settings as Text size and positioning (The box a little to the back or the text to the front)
But there are some restrictions:
Texturing the box idoesn't look good and setting a transparent value is also horrible.
Is there a better way?
And oke it's boring but it is a simple test!
I found one solution for texturing the box: The masked.cfx effect. This effect realy can make a difference.
It would be nice to retrieve the picture file data Exif, to create the lower thirds!
Filip, 2 years ago
The size of the BOX style can be increased with the BEVEL prop. You probably need values outside the slider range.
But why not use a picture layer? Making it adapt to the text is as easy as adjusting its SIZE prop.
Many lower thirds use a fixed background picture. The installer comes with a demo:
michiel, 2 years ago
Thnx Decentralized.
I know that there are other ways. But my target wat extreme simplicity (a template worthy):
Create a lower third were te surrounding box changes when you edit the text.
I was almost come to level 4 of my creative proces and then I found this.
I have learned something and achieved my goal and I like the result.
Filip, 2 years ago
The STROKED ROUND (top left) and STROKED SHARP (top right) text layer styles can be used to create more interesting boxes.
The bottom left uses the BOX style. And the bottom right uses a vector layer using Square.eps.
All use the Special\UVMapper effect for texturing.
michiel, 2 years ago
Thnx Michiel that sums up the differend possibilities👍
Filip, 2 years ago