steveg | 3 years ago | 6 comments | 695 views
I'm thinking of buying World Creator Professional (expensive!) and would like to know how easy or difficult it is to use the landscapes created by it in BluffTitler Ultimate?
= Steve
With any expensive software try out a trail version.
World Creator only provides to businesses a trail account.
So I would look for Terrain creators that does have a trail or are even free. To use for Blufftitler it uses a bitmap as heightmap so make sure that it has a 16bit bitmap output.
On "steam" are some good alternatives. And google to find more Terrain makers.
komies, 3 years ago
Hi Michiel,
Thanks, I had seen that. I thought you guys may have been using it.
= Steve
steveg, 3 years ago
Hi Komies,
I've had a look at quite a few terrain creators. None of them appear to be as easy to use as World Creator. I used to use Vue but stopped when they changed to a subscription model.
I have a business so I'll contact World Creator about the trial version.
= Steve
steveg, 3 years ago
He, Steve
Can you show us some landscapes in BluffTitler so we can see how well it converts and looks at your convenience.
komies, 3 years ago
Hi Komies,
Once I get it and hopefully work out how to actually use it, I'll post some images. :-)
= Steve
steveg, 3 years ago
Software developer and 2D animator.
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