NextPreviousHomePerseverance (continued)

Alex-Raymond T. | 4 years ago | 5 comments | 1 like | 1.5K views

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Hi Michiel,
I move slowly, at the speed of perseverance on Mars, in the animation of the model on BT.
To realize a complete animation, I miss the possibility of including sub-containers at levels 3 and 4 in a master container.
Is it possible to modify BT? Otherwise I would block pivot points 2 and 3.
I think the problem might also occur with the working arm and maybe the camera arm.
Thanks in advance.

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To keep the shows simple and easy to understand, the max hierarchy depth of containers is currently set to 2. Realize that this is enough to steer the wheels and make them roll. You do not need an extra container to roll a wheel. Adding the wheel as a separate model to your container, setting its pivot point and animate its rotation prop is enough.

michiel, 4 years ago

I feel like you didn't understand the kinematics of the suspension system, which is the whole point of this assembly, as it is in real life.
I agree that this is enough to spin the wheel as a separate model, but there are 6 wheels each of which out of its rotation, must move in space according to the other wheels through the arms suspension. And there good luck to animate the total.
Otherwise, we come back to being satisfied with my previous show where it suffices to hide the most interesting details. As I explain by blocking certain pivot points, the difficult passages of fretting obstacles (stones, holes, etc ...) when moving the module will no longer be of interest.
I haven't had time to delve into the kinematics of the arm in detail, but I think its rotational movements in space will certainly need to be limited.
As I am not a computer scientist, I do not know if my request is possible. If not, that's okay, I'll deal with ...

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

Ce qui est sur Raymond c'est que tu fais preuve de persévérance !
Merci pour la distribution du montage.

PAT67, 4 years ago

La NASA vient de nous envoyer des images d'opérations de Perseverance.
Notre équipe spéciale sur Mars, équipe de Bix, nous envoie des premières images vues de l'extérieur. Pour voir le bras et la camera en opération, il faudra encore attendre un peu...
L'aventure continue...

NASA just sent us images of Perseverance operations.
Our special team on Mars sends us the first images seen from the outside. To see the arm and the camera in operation, we will have to wait a little longer ...
The adventure goes on...

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

Belle animation (tu as bien bossé avec les conteneurs et sous-conteneurs)! Manque plus que les petits hommes verts.

vincent, 4 years ago

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Tutoriels et packs sur le montage vidéo avec BluffTitler et MAGIX VideodeLuxe:

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