NextPreviousHomeBixelangelo 3.2

Filip | 4 years ago | 2 comments | 579 views

I sometimes work and experiment with Bixelangelo 3.2. I don't understand the logic so I'm using the old trial and error approach.

But I have one question is the a way to edit the .tree, .branch. forrest files with picture edit software.

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Those were Bixelangelo specific data files. I believe they were text files, so instead of a paint app you could try Notepad.

The vegetation system has been removed because it was too complex to use. We would love to build an easier to use system. No plans yet, but it's clear that it won't use the old data files, so please do not invest too much time in decrypting those deprecated formats.

michiel, 4 years ago

Thnx Michiel. Thought that it used same kind of formats the new Bixelangelo, only with specific names.

A more user-friendly system should be a huge asset!

Filip, 4 years ago

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