NextPreviousHomeCrash 3d model map

Filip | 4 years ago | 3 comments | 683 views

Michiel BluffTitler crashes everytime when I try to open a specific Molder in my Documents/BluffTitler/media/models map.

I tried to check my PC and discs but there are no problems. I tried to rename the map (did't work. I moved the content of the map to a new Map. The crash occurs again.

The map can be selected in Explorer and other 3d programs. Is it possible that one file in this map creates the problem?

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I don't think it crashes. It only takes time to generate the thumbnails, which can take a while for big models. Creating the thumbnails has to be done only once.

If this is not the case, there must be a killer model. When you ZIP your folder, or only the killer model, and send it to us we will take a look at it.

As a workaround, hold down the SHIFT key when opening this folder.

michiel, 4 years ago

it is just slower to open the directory, but if you wait then it works ..

Franco Aversa, 4 years ago

Thnx, Ok I'll try it

Filip, 4 years ago

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