NextPreviousHomeTexture for Water Layer

lightads | 4 years ago | 2 comments | 670 views

I'm using
C:\Program Files (x86)\Outerspace Software\BluffTitler\Media\Shows\Water\
and it says the water layer isn't textured. I tried to add a texture but then the layer stops animating a water layer.
Are there only specific textures that work on the water layer?

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The Special\Water effect expects a foam alphamap in its 1st texture slot. When you are rebellious and instead load a colourmap, BluffTitler tries to assist by finding a better matching effect for you and replaces the water effect by the Lightened effect, which indeed can handle your colourmap better, but also stops animating the water.

What you have to do is this:
-select the water layer
-choose LAYER > Change effect...
-load your colour map in the 1st texture slot
-click OK
-set the FX FOAM TEXTURE IS A COLOURMAP property to 1

michiel, 4 years ago

Brilliantly explained.
More magic from Bluff Studio 3D

lightads, 4 years ago

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Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)

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