NextPreviousHomeUn checking visibility during editing

lightads | 4 years ago | 4 comments | 884 views

If I un-check visibility during editing will that help speed up my PC? I have many elements in the show and my PC is lagging terribly. I have set quality to low while editing.

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To measure the frames per second, create a text layer with the text <fps />.

michiel, 4 years ago

Not sure what <fps /> means. Do you have an example?

lightads, 4 years ago

Insert a text layer and type <fps/> in text area

tags list : <ABC />, <abc />, <123 />, <time />, <showtime />, <countdown />,
<millisecond />, <second />, <minute />, <hour />, <hour12 />, <ampm />,
<day />, <month />, <year />, <fullday />, <fullmonth />,
<fps />, <memory />, <computername />,
<showtitle />, <showpath />, <version />

vincent, 4 years ago

The tag <nextyear /> has recently been added. This can be useful for Happy New Year templates.

michiel, 4 years ago

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Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)

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