NextPreviousHomeQuick time and *.mov

Pioneer | 5 years ago | 3 comments | 881 views

Good morning to all.
I not sure if this has been asked and answered before so forgive me if it has.
Michiel is it possible to be able within the program to include QuickTime *.mov output for transparent backgrounds as well as an avi file? I know quick time is an little more outdated but the difference in file sizes is substantial. Cheers John

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In any case, you may convert any video format in any other with the free utility FFmpeg.
Then you may convert an AVI file with transparency into .mov with your quality parameters.

Jeep35, 5 years ago

Hi Jeep35, I currently use VLC to convert an avi produced in Blufftitler, I just wondered if it could of been incorporated within the program to save this step. Cheers John

Pioneer, 5 years ago

I think FFmpeg is widely better to convert video formats as you may setup many parameters like framerate, resolution, constant rate factor, color space, ... I understand you'd like it was integrated in BT but actually it's not its priority because video formats are a huge subject with tons of parameters.
With specific programs such as FFmepg, you may have perfect outputs in any format.

Jeep35, 5 years ago

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