NextPreviousHomeHow many of you read the USER GUIDE ...

Dani | 5 years ago | 30 comments | 4 likes | 1.5K views

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You can share your experience ...for to me it is very useful....

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Hi Dani,

I read the instructions, but my difficulty many times is to remember that there is a certain effect.
For example, just yesterday I wanted to bring up a drawing with a wipe and spontaneously I went to the Mask effect because I didn't remember that instead I had to look for GradientWipe.
I think that the difficulty that is initially encountered is precisely that since there are so many effects, they do not know or know what they are doing.
I know that when an effect is loaded there is an explanation of how it works on the window,
but it would be interesting to have on the online pages a list of the effects with the same brief fold.
I am willing to help to create it, if we did it all together maybe it would be faster.

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

I read the user guide many times e.g. whem I'm creating a show and I want to now more about the possibbilities of the Particle layer.

I use the community to look for answers and I go to the instruction shows bout the different layers.

Difficult questions are for the community and of course Michiel ?.

Filip, 5 years ago

Practice, practice and practice, experimentations, the only way to learn Blufftitler + filters. People who ask for a super help delude themselves. Once you know each type of layer usage, understand 3D (x,y,z) placement in main window and understand timeline keys usage you understood BT and all that already exists in online help with many examples (demo shows, dowloadable shows and Bixpacks). For the rest it's only experimentations and practice. A thousand-page book would be useless, nobody reads that. Just my opinion.

vincent, 5 years ago

@Franco Aversa: There is a tool that I find very helpfull and its's made by @Vincent.

It's called FX lister. I don't know how I got it...and Vincent maybe think it's useless ?. But for mere mortals as myself: Like it and I use it.

Filip, 5 years ago

Hi Filip, yes i have created this tool to find in which filter was used a particular property, a very useful tool ???. what I meant about BT is that if you want to compile BT possibilities you quickly end up with a document as thick as a yearbook ?

vincent, 5 years ago

Thank you very much Filip.
Yes I remember that Vincent had also given it to me, maybe I lost it because I had to format the computer.
Vincent you are right saying that it would take an encyclopedia, unfortunately it is the same thing that happens trying to remember all the effects by heart, it would take some Gb in the brain more .... LOL !!

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

Always available if you need it.

vincent, 5 years ago

My suggestion is learning by doing. ?
But sometimes I also read the user guide.

Ulli, 5 years ago

Thank you Filip ,Franco, Ulli (learning by doing this is awesome )and Vincent for your response...
agree with you all...User guide looks big but for to me very useful...
Yes we need to practice and experiments with it ..we will get something new from it...yes...BT is ocean of ideas..
Vincent can you send me the tool...if it possible...thank you..

Dani, 5 years ago

could I make it available to my YouTube channel users by mentioning your name?
I could also try to translate it if possible.

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

@Dani Me often mostly because of questions from others which I also often provide with a link to the user guide page where they could have found them. But the search option is for me the most powerful in finding.

The number of times I gave CTRL + SHIFT as tip are numerous.

I also asked in this community a similar question and possible answers to improve in the article link:

1. General Blufftitler "everyone should know" sheet OR Quick Guide

2. A (better) Frequently Asked Questions Page

3. A couple of shows that people can make by easy to following instructions.

and yes practice, practice, practice

In the image, the last three: Group Discussion, Practice, and Teaching others is what this community should be MORE about.

I have tried lessons which where liked but almost no participation, most just download the result show for later use.
I have tried downloadable shows within plain sight solutions to common questions but often only the more experience users got it because they dissect the shows and often I get the message back: "Much to learn from this show"

komies, 5 years ago

I always appreciate your dedicated help and done a great job in this...

Why i raised this article because we will learn and hear what our community member think and share their ideas and views ...this leads to a positive results...
Thank you Komies


Dani, 5 years ago

Dani i sent you an email. Franco, yes you can and no need to mention my name but i have to warn you that I no longer provide maintenance. The latest version is updated to work with FX and CFX.

vincent, 5 years ago

Me parece muy interesante la pregunta de Dani y las respuestas de miembros de esta Comunidad.
Yo creo que la guía de usuario, la cual visito alguna vez, debería ser mas simple y precisa para que los usuarios capten mejor la explicación del tema.
Pero lo que mas me asombra, es que en esta comunidad solo actuamos 12 personas como máximo, así que hay poca posibilidad de conocer preguntas, respuestas, shows, Etc. No se cuantas personas pertenecen a esta comunidad, pero en este momento, han visitado la pregunta de Dani 110 personas.

persiana, 5 years ago

Totally agree with Alex and Persiana.

vincent, 5 years ago

I like to share experiences because it is the fastest way to learn, so I am always available even in distributing what I do, except where there is the privacy of third parties or companies. However, I have everything to learn from all of you, because I don't have your own experience with BluffTitler, I love testing and trying so much.

if you can kindly send me back your tool I would be very pleased. My email:

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

Sent, Franco.

vincent, 5 years ago

could not received Vincent...

thank you..

Dani, 5 years ago

Dani, i sent you again an email.

vincent, 5 years ago


Thank you very much.

What does "Nb Txt" and "Nb Prm" mean in your software?

congratulations for the really well done software.

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

Franco, Nb prm is the number of parameters of the filter, for exemple TonalArtMap.cfx have 3 parameters : FX Invert, FX Contrast, FX Lighting factor, when you select a filter in list if 'Display parameters' is checked then parameters are listed below.
Nb Txt was the number of textures that the filter uses, does not work anymore since effect are compiled. I must modify the program.

vincent, 5 years ago

thank you @Vincent,
I understood it referred to parameters but I didn't understand which ones.

Now it's all clear. I saw that by intervening directly on the filter description I could also do a translation. Thanks again for your kindness.

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

Franco, here some infos. Columns can be sorted asc/desc by clicking header.

vincent, 5 years ago

Vincent this is very helpful ...great job... i have ver1.1.0.0...can this version possible to get thank you...

Dani, 5 years ago

Dani, i sent you an email.

vincent, 5 years ago

Thank you Vincent...

Dani, 5 years ago

Bonjour à tous,

Est-ce que je pourrais avoir cet outil ?
Mon email
Merci d'avance

maggico, 5 years ago

Gilbert, je vous ai envoyé un email.

vincent, 5 years ago

vincent, hello!
Vincent this is very helpful... great job... I want FX LISTER_Installer1.4... this version can get thank you

liuyongcai, 5 years ago

Vincent, thank you!

liuyongcai, 5 years ago

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About Dani

Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
Thank you for watching my shows and your great support.
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