Dani | 6 years ago | 4 comments | 10 likes | 2.6K views

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Great show from a pro!

Filip, 6 years ago

Totally agree with Filip. Pro work!

vincent, 6 years ago

as always, you create clean animations and beautiful colors, very professional.
only thing, if I can afford, they seem cut off.
It would be nice if there was a closure, but probably if I found it inside a BixPack it would be good because you do not know how long it should last.
I hope I have explained myself well, that is, we often think of animations as an "opening presentation" of something. It would be nice towards it has a closure, so it would have a dual use.
I allowed myself to say this, because I love your animation style and I find all your creations wonderful.

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

Wonderful creation, Dani!

Ulli, 6 years ago

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About Dani

Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
Thank you for watching my shows and your great support.
Lots of Love from

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