NextPreviousHomeWhere can we get free OBJ models from

lightads | 5 years ago | 6 comments | 1.6K views

Some BIX packs have X file models for re-use. Where can we download more of these?
As a suggestion maybe your next BIX pack should feature X models.

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I've found some very good stuff for free at Grabcad.

There are links to other model sites on this page here at Outerspace Software:

That whole page is very well worth reading with good info on models in BT.


PiPPi, 5 years ago


First of all can you give 3 models examples what you are looking for.
So I have an indication on the difficulty of doing them justice in BluffTitler.

The lure of a 3d models is great:

1. It's easy: find, download and convert to .x
2. The raytraced rendered preview images look amazing.
3. It's one object in Blufftitler so easy to control position and rotation.

The pitfalls of 3d Models from other people:

1. Time consuming to find that specific model you want you have to crawl thru many sites, try and test the models.
2. You will never get the same quality as shown on the raytraced preview image, often the model is incomplete and/or missing textures and Blufftitler uses a simpler method (from gaming industry) by rendering in Direct3D.
3. The 3d object is like a container so it looks as one object but it can have many many many submodels, you can with CTRL+U unpack the model but not back so it is wise to put this model in a container. In BluffTitler a layer can have ONE .CFX assigned to it now that we have unpack we can give each submodels that now has it's own layer a different .Cfx and it's often necessary to do so because a model will likely consist of different materials like glass, metal, plastic, fabrics, paper any different levels of shininess and opacity. For instance a sports car model can have 1000+ submodels and for time shake and keeping your sanity you can try find a model that is already neatly grouped (very hard to find) or you can group them in a 3d modeler software and also depending of the complexity of the model can also be time consuming.


When you use a lot of models from different sites you then have to keep a Database/list of what you can and cannot do, do you have to give "Attribution" can you use it for "Commercial use" may you "Edit" the model or "Share" the model.

One of the reasons I always start looking for "CC0" licenses

And this is the short version of the question how to use models from other people in BluffTitler.

But give me the three examples and I am willing to try to make a tutorial like how to proceed.

komies, 5 years ago

I'm learning how use X files so any advice is good. I don't have time to learn Maya and these 3d programs either. I'd like to experiment with it.

lightads, 5 years ago

So what are your 3 model example's that you will be reusing in future shows once you have them, Lightads

I can't give suggestions because I don't want to steer you.
I can choose at random a object but if no-one is waiting for it then it will be a waist of time and effort.
And by giving these examples I know that you are willing to participate and willing to make an effort to get them.

komies, 5 years ago

Picture frames, cameras, video cameras and that sort.

lightads, 5 years ago

Je profite de la discussion pour savoir s'il existe des convertisseurs des fichiers proposés par GradCab
comme .igs, stp en fichier .X pour BT.

Alex-Raymond T., 5 years ago

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