Franco Aversa | 6 years ago | 6 comments | 2.9K views
a person I know has Windows 7.
The mp4 export does not work, after the program has passed frames and is about to process the export it remains at 0% and does not do anything anymore.
I downloaded K-Lite codec and checked the settings on the options panel.
She has an NVidia GeForce GT 610 card and the default is LAV Audio and LAV Video with H264 as the codec.
What can I check again?
What could be that it does not work, has it happened to someone else?
MP4 export requires Windows 10.
I advise the person to export as AVI and use his/her NLE to encode to MP4.
I also advise the person to join this community!
michiel, 6 years ago
Franco, I decided not to upgrade to Win 10. Bought the wife a new machine with Win 10 on it and didn't like it. So now I must suffer the consequences of my inaction.
Export as an AVI and understand it can be a large file. I export mine as 1080's and
have had up to a 5gb file size.
Sure do wish MP4 on BT was still available as do a bunch of other users I'm sure.
SMSgtRod, 6 years ago
Thanks Michiel,
I'm sorry for the person, I have windows 10 and I have no problem.
But when you select the codecs you can not choose another instead of AVI, not even an MP2 that is perhaps lighter?
Franco Aversa, 6 years ago
Export as MP4, MP2 or any other lossy format is not a very useful feature. It can be handy for a quick social media post, but in all other situations where the generated video is a temporary file I advise you to export as uncompressed. Let your NLE do the encoding at the very end: when your masterpiece is fully mixed. This gives you the best possible quality.
If you get uncomfortable with huge file sizes, I advise you never to take a look at the (hidden) temporary files your NLE produces...
michiel, 6 years ago
Operative word there is "temporary". The AVI files generated from BT are pretty much keepers. What is crazy is my video software is working with a several minute movie file that is 50 times smaller than the few second title.... LOL
I would say that for me MP4 was quite useful in that I used it all the time in BT until the change.
SMSgtRod, 6 years ago
I have no problems with codecs and file sizes, it's my job and I have tera and tera in Harddisk, but other people can get scared by the file size.
I will recommend to delete the original when they insered and processed in the assembly video master in NLE.
Thank You Michiel !!
Franco Aversa, 6 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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